- 2024
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- 渥美剛史, 井手正和, 寺尾安生 (2024) 自閉スペクトラム症の感覚過敏と時間認知特性. 脳神経内科, 100(6), 618-627. website
- Kaneko, A*., Atsumi, T., & Ide, M*. (2024) Temporal resolution relates to sensory hyperreactivity independently of stimulus detection sensitivity in individuals with autism spectrum disorder, (12, June), Perception, 53(9), 585-596. website
- 2022
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- Umesawa, Y*., Matsushima, K., Fukatsu, R., Terao, Y., & Ide, M*. (2022) Hand-foot coordination is significantly influenced by motion direction in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research, 16(1), 40-51, (1,Nov) website
- Kaneko, A*., Ohshima, R., Noda, H., Matsumaru, T., Iwanaga, R., & Ide, M*. (2022) Sensory and social subtypes of Japanese individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 53(8), 3133-3143, (21, May) website
- Umesawa, Y‡., Ide, M‡*., & Wada, M. (2022) The relationship between the effect of hand visibility on visuotactile temporal resolution and autistic traits. Experimental Brain Research, 240(5), 1557-1564 (7, April) website
- 2021
- Wada, M., Takano, K., Ide, M., Sano, Y., Shinoda, Y., Furuichi, T., Kansaku, K. (2021) Task-Related c-Fos expression in the posterior parietal cortex during the “rubber tail task” is diminished in Ca2+-dependent activator protein for secretion 2 (Caps2)-knockout mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 15:680206 (10, June) website
- Chakrabarty, M*., Atsumi, T., Kaneko, A., Fukatsu, R., & Ide, M*. (2021) State-Anxiety modulates the effect of emotion cues on visual temporal sensitivity in autism spectrum disorder. European Journal of Neuroscience,, 54(2), 4682-4694 (17, May)website
- 2020
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- Umesawa Y*, Atsumi T*, Chakrabarty M, Fukatsu R, Ide M. (2020) GABA concentration in the left ventral premotor cortex associates with sensory hyper-responsiveness in autism spectrum disorders without intellectual disability. Frontiers in Neuroscience.14,482.website
- Ide M‡*, Atsumi T‡, Chakrabarty M‡, Yaguchi A, Umesawa Y, Fukatsu R & Wada M. (2020) Neural basis of extremely high temporal sensitivity: Insights from a patient with autism. Frontiers in Neuroscience.14,340 [*co-first authors] website
- 上倉安代・大山一郎・井手正和・和田真(2020)統合失調症を対象とした自我障害評価ツールとしてのラバーハンド錯覚測定の有用性. 心理学研究.
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- Umesawa Y*, Matsushima K, Atsumi T, Kato T, Fukatsu R, Wada M & Ide M*. (2020) Altered GABA concentration in brain motor area is associated with the severity of motor disabilities in individuals with autism spectrum disorder, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 50(8). website
- Wada M*, Ide M, Ikeda H, Sano M, Tanaka A, Suzuki M, Agarie H, Kim S, Tajima S, Nishimaki K, Fukatsu R, Nakajima Y & Miyazaki M (2020) Cutaneous and stick rabbit illusions in individuals with autism spectrum disorder, Scientific Reports. 10, 1665. website
2019Wada M*, Ide M, Atsumi T, Sano Y, Shinoda Y, Furuichi T & Kansaku K. (2019) Rubber tail illusion is weakened in Ca2+-dependent activator protein for secretion 2 (Caps2)-knockout mice, Scientific Reports, 7, 7552. website
- Ide, M*, Yaguchi, A, Sano, M, Fukatsu, R & Wada, M (2019) Higher tactile temporal resolution as a basis of hypersensitivity in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Delopmental Disorders,49(1), pp44-53. website
2018Hidaka, S*, Suzuish, Y, Ide, M & Wada, M. (2018) Effects of spatial consistency and individual difference on touch-induced visual suppression effect. Scientific Reports, 8, 17018. website
- Atsumi, T*, Ide, M, & Wada, M*. (2018) Spontaneous discriminative response to the biological motion displays involving a walking conspecific in mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. website
2017井手正和*,矢口彩子,渥美剛史,安 啓一,和田 真(2017)時間的に過剰な処理という視点から見た自閉スペクトラム症の感覚過敏.BRAIN and NERVE 増大特集 こころの時間学の未来, 69(11). website
- Ide, M* & Wada, M* (2017) Salivary oxytocin concentration associates with the subjective feeling of body ownership during the rubber hand illusion. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 166. website
2016Ide, M*, Hidaka, S*, Ikeda, H & Wada, M (2016) Neural mechanisms underlying touch-induced visual perceptual suppression: An fMRI study. Scientific Reports, 6, 37301. website
- Wada, M, Takano, K, Ora, H, Ide, M, & Kansaku, K*. (2016) Rubber tail illusion as evidence of body ownership in mice. The Journal of Neuroscience, 36(43), 11133-11137. website
- Ide, M & Wada, M* (2016) Periodic visuotactile stimulation slowly enhances the rubber hand illusion in individuals with high autistic traits. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience,10(21). website
- Wada, M* & Ide, M (2016) Rubber hand presentation modulates visuotactile interference effect, especially in people with high autistic traits. Experimental Brain Research, 234(1), 51-65. Website
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- Ide, M* & Hidaka, S (2013) Visual presentation of hand image modulates visuo-tactile temporal order judgment. Experimental Brain Research, 228(1),43-50. website
- Ide, M* (2013) The effect of "anatomical plausibility" of hand angle on the rubber hand illusion. Perception, 42(1), 103-111. website
- 梅沢侑実,松島佳苗,渥美剛史,和田真,井手正和(2019)自閉スペクトラム症者にみる運動のぎこちなさとその基盤となる皮質内抑制機能の低下.若手研究者のための健康科学研究助成成果報告書 第34回.明治安田康生事業団,pp8-15.
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- 井手正和(2022)科学から理解する 自閉スペクトラム症の感覚世界,金子書房. website
- 井手正和(2022)発達障害のある子の感覚・運動への支援 第3章 自閉スペクトラム症の感覚の問題の背景.岩永竜一郎(編著)・柘植雅義(監修),金子書房,20-29.website
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- 渥美剛史,井手正和(2024)感覚研究はどのようにASDの理解と支援に役立つか,こころの科学2024年5月号,日本評論社,71-76.
- 井手正和(2022)感覚過敏とコロナ下の不安の密接な関係,月刊 実践みんなの特別支援教育2022年8月号,GAKKEN,28-31.